For COVID-19

Engage your community to effectively track and manage COVID-19 cases now

If you're a resident and would like to self-report please click here.

How Can Community Connect Help my agency?
First Due is the leading pre-incident planning, emergency response, and community engagement platform for public safety agencies across the country. During this time of need, we are partnering with the IAFC to provide our community engagement solution at NO COST to help your agency effectively track and manage COVID-19 and high-risk occupant data. Our secure, HIPAA compliant platform allows anyone to self-report COVID-19 related information which is instantly made available to your agency and seamlessly integrated into GIS platforms such as Esri ArcGIS for strategic analysis and decision-making.

how does it work?


Getting started is simple, easy, and free. To set-up access for your agency, fill out the contact form below and you will receive:

  • Login credentials
  • Resident information webpage to share with your community
  • Social media post copy & instructions
  • Instructions on how to access & use the responder view



View the official Press Release from the IAFC describing the Community Connect for COVID-19 project.



IAFC webinar with First Due to dive into the functionality of Community Connect for COVID-19 on Tuesday 4/07/2020.

how secure is THE data and how is it used?

Data provided by the community is secure and is only used by public safety agencies to be better prepared for response. Information will never be used for any other purpose. All logins are password protected with bank level encryption and security. If you’re comfortable logging into your online bank you’ll be comfortable logging into Community Connect.

Community Connect is

100% Secure