Navigating the NFIRS to NERIS Transition with First Due

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The First Due Media Team

Apr 1, 2024

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We're excited to share some important updates regarding the transition to the NERIS (National Emergency Response Information System) standard. First Due has been working closely with the NERIS team to understand and prepare for this change. Below are some updated timelines from our recent conversations with the NERIS Team.

What is NERIS?

“The U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) is leading the development of a new core data standard (or specification) to serve as the foundation for the National Emergency Response Information System (NERIS) platform architecture and development. The new data standard will streamline required data collection while increasing interoperability and the ability to integrate appropriate external data sources to fulfill information needs." – USFA

The Quick Facts about First Due and NERIS:

  • We are working closely with the NERIS team (USFA, FSRI and Esri).
  • There will be no additional costs associated with the transition to NERIS.
  • We have full API capability to interact with NERIS.
  • We support the geospatial component of NERIS.
  • We will send data to NERIS; no need for separate submissions.
  • We will continue supporting customer specific data collection.
  • We will provide updates and additional information as it becomes available.

Enhanced Data Standard

NERIS will simplify and modernize the data standard for reporting fire incidents to the national repository. This means the required information and format for reporting will be improved.

How does it affect your Agency?

The good news for First Due users is that compliance with NERIS is taken care of. Whether you are a current customer or considering moving to First Due during the interim period, your NFIRS records will be compliant. As the transition to NERIS takes place, your compliance will be seamlessly ensured by using First Due RMS, without any additional cost.

What’s the Timeline to Transition?


Key milestones for the transition from NFIRS to NERIS roll out:

May 2024: NERIS Data Standard Beta Release & Vendor Meeting

  • The USFA aims to release a beta version of the NERIS data standard in early May.
  • NERIS has also organized an RMS and CAD vendor meeting in late May which First Due will be attending.

August 2024: V1 Data Standard and Submission Beta

  • In August, the USFA aims to release the NERIS data standard to production. They also expect to release the beta version of the actual NERIS System. This includes the new National Repository and API that First Due will use to submit NERIS records to the NERIS repository.

August–November 2024: Pilot Program

  • 50 select fire departments will pilot NERIS at which time RMS vendors may pilot as well. First Due will participate in this R&D pilot phase.

November 2024: Phase 1

  • NERIS system V1 production release.
  • On boarding fire departments Phase 1.


  • 2025 will be a “hybrid” reporting year where both NFIRS and NERIS records will be accepted by FEMA. 

January 1st, 2026: NERIS Replaces NFIRS

  • NFIRS records will no longer be accepted by FEMA. Only NERIS records will be accepted by FEMA.  

NERIS Training

  • The First Due Team will ensure users have access to ample training content and documentation to assist with this transition.
  • The Fire Safety Research Institute will be producing LMS content related to NERIS.
  • Courses will be provided at the National Fire Academy as well as regional fire academies throughout the United States.

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